Doggo Blog

Dog breath

Dog breath: Freshening up

As the proud owners of a beloved pup, we all know that sometimes our furry friends can have stinky breath. It’s usually no cause for

Winter Activities for Dogs

10 Winter Activities for Dogs

Winter can be a difficult time for both humans and our furry friends. While you’re curled up with a warm cup of hot cocoa, your

How To Keep Your Dog Busy

How To Keep Your Dog Busy?

Interactive games such as tug, find the treats, puzzle games and fetch are some of my favorite ways to keep your dog occupied while it’s

How To Slow Down Dog Eating

How To Slow Down Dog Eating

When dogs eat too quickly, they swallow air along with the food they’re gulping down. Pain and discomfort are caused by food and air expanding

Best Chew Toys For Large Dogs

7 Best Chew Toys For Large Dogs

Whenever it comes to active dogs, chewing toys are a must-have item. But they aren’t just for them… Dog chew toys are also a very