Understand the Habit of Chewing by Dogs
Dog Behavior: Chewing has been long known to be man’s best friend and serves as loyal protector. This quote might sound familiar to you. Whether you believe in this quote or not may depend on how much experience you have had interacting with dogs in different ways. This is something that those who have or have had dogs as pets can attest to. A dog can provide its owner with invaluable companionship, act as a loyal friend, and in some cases even save their life.
Sometimes our dogs’ behavior leaves us perplexed. Even if we understand our dogs and cater to their every need, it is sometimes difficult to comprehend why they act the way they do. The issue is that dogs are unable to communicate their concerns, sicknesses, and mood swings to the outside world, so they act out as a way of expressing their feelings.
Many dogs have a habit of chewing on items. They may chew on whatever they discover lying about the house, and their aggressive behavior may even cause the item to be destroyed.
Dogs may chew for various reasons, such as wanting to burn off energy, alleviate boredom or anxiety, or relieve teething pain. For example, many dogs chew during their teenage stage, which lasts from 7 to 12 months and can last up to 6 months. Dogs may often chew due to an irrepressible desire at this age. The major cause could be the dog’s adult teeth attempting to settle into the jawbone. Apart from that, there could be other motivations for chewing, such as:
Attention-seeking tactics: Dog Behavior: Chewing
A dog is a very intelligent creature. If he attempts to chew on items, it may tell you’re paying attention to him. As a result, he’ll use this strategy whenever he feels neglected or wants your attention.
Not getting enough food
All dogs should be fed a well-balanced diet rich in calcium, iron, and minerals, as a shortage of these nutrients can lead to chewing tendencies. As a result, always feed your dog well-balanced food and consult with your veterinarian for nutritional advice.
Separation Anxiety
Some dogs are extremely connected to their owners and cannot function without them. If left alone, they can develop destructive tendencies.
Read more: Does My Dog Have Separation Anxiety?
Teething happens in dogs between the ages of 3 and 7 months. Puppies have an uncontrollable urge to chew items during this time to soothe the discomfort in their gums.
Dog Behavior: Chewing Monotony
A dog is an energetic creature that should not be left alone in confined settings for extended periods of time. Animals of all kinds require physical activity to keep mentally and physically fit. Chewing serves as an outlet for the dog’s pent-up aggressiveness due to boredom and weariness from not doing anything all day.
Therefore, it’s important to spend time with your dog. They provide companionship and bring joy to our lives, after all! Another option is to buy your dog some toys specifically designed to keep them occupied and distracted from chewing on furniture or other objects.