Code Of Conduct Quiz

Code Of Conduct Quiz

1 / 10

Who is the center of interest at home?

Dog Leader

2 / 10

How many walks will you do with the dog in one day?

Dog Walking Routine

3 / 10

If you caught the puppy biting a forbidden object, what will you do?

Puppy Bites Owner

4 / 10

You have decided that the dog will not get on the couches in the house but he still wants to get on, what will you do?

Dog Not On Cauch

5 / 10

When will you give the dog a command?

Dog Command

6 / 10

How will you react if your dog is afraid of something?

Scared Dog

7 / 10

What should I do if my dog is afraid of people with hats?

Scared Dog

8 / 10

Will you play with your dog tag with the leash?

Dog Tag Rope

9 / 10

If your dog jumps at you obsessively, how will you behave?

Dog Attention

10 / 10

What is the right decision to make if the dog is sitting calmly in its place?

Dog Lying
Which Sense Do Dogs Use Most?

Which Sense Do Dogs Use Most?

Which Sense Do Dogs Use Most? Dogs are born with three senses: scent, touch, and taste, all of which are functional from the moment they are born. Did you know that the typical dog’s nose contains over 220 million scent receptors, whereas the average human nose only contains approximately 5 million scent receptors?

Dog Facts: The Chihuahua

Dog Facts: The Chihuahua

The Chihuahua has a long and interesting history. What’s the story behind it? The following is a bit of an introduction to the history and facts of this small but mighty dog!