Basic Dog Training Quiz

Basic Dog Training Quiz

1 / 10

What is the dog's external territory?

Dogs External Territory

2 / 10

If we do not have the ability to release the puppy at the moment but we do not want him to be in the den:

Dog Tie Down

3 / 10

How to simulate a playpen for your puppy?

Puppy Bed

4 / 10

How should a leader behave?

Leader Of Dogs

5 / 10

What will we do if the puppy urinates because of something exciting?

Puppy Pee

6 / 10

At what age is the dog already fully mature?


7 / 10

At what age is it right to separate a puppy from its mother?

Puppy Under Seperate Age

8 / 10

The pup will receive meals as follows:

Dog Meals

9 / 10

The puppy in his den and whines because he wants to get out.

What will we do?

Make Puppy Quiet

10 / 10

What are the three basic rights of the dog?

Basic Dogs Rights
How To Keep Your Dog Busy

How To Keep Your Dog Busy?

Interactive games such as tug, find the treats, puzzle games and fetch are some of my favorite ways to keep your dog occupied while it’s raining out. Playing interactive activities with your dog is a simple method to keep your pet mentally stimulated and reduce troublesome behaviors like excessive chewing or barking.

dog chewing

Dog Behavior: Chewing

Chewing is a common habit among dogs. This causes them to chew on whatever they find lying around the house, and their behavior can even cause items to get destroyed. The purpose of this brief article is to provide general information about their chewing behaviors.

7 Best Tug Toys For Large Dogs

7 Best Tug Toys For Large Dogs

7 Best Tug Toys For Large Dogs: Playing Tug has many advantages. Tug can help dogs control their impulses, boost their self-esteem, and strengthen their relationship with their owners. It’s a motivating, reinforcing, & high-value training technique since it taps into innate urges.