Final Quiz

Final Quiz

1 / 18

The puppy in his den and whines because he wants to get out.

What will we do?

Make Puppy Quiet

2 / 18

What do we need a long leash for?

Dog Long Leash

3 / 18

Before deciding on an electronic fence, what should we find out?

Dog Electric Fence

4 / 18

You have decided that the dog will not get on the couches in the house but he still wants to get on, what will you do?

Dog Not On Cauch

5 / 18

What are service dogs intended for?

Service Dog

6 / 18

What are the energy level components in a dog?

Dogs Energy Level

7 / 18

Which tool is used for puppies potty training?

Dog Flight Cage

8 / 18

What are the three game types of a dog?

Dogs Games Types

9 / 18

If your dog is not so gluttonous, what will you use to motivate him?

Dog Menu

10 / 18

If your dog jumps at you obsessively, how will you behave?

Dog Attention

11 / 18

At what age is it right to separate a puppy from its mother?

Puppy Under Seperate Age

12 / 18

What is the most effective way to prevent a dog from committing crimes?

Dog Planning

13 / 18

When will you give the dog a command?

Dog Command

14 / 18

When you get to the food bag and the dog is starting to get excited and drooling it is called:

Dog Drooling

15 / 18

How many walks will you do with the dog in one day?

Dog Walking Routine

16 / 18

In which cases will I use Kong?

Dogs Kong

17 / 18

What is the difference between walking habits and heel?

Dog Heel

18 / 18

What is the dog's external territory?

Dogs External Territory

How to get the password?